january 8-10, 2021

Registration Deadline: Jan 7, 2021 at midnight, PST

One life lived on Spirit’s spearpoint and one at Spirit’s heel, One road walked in the dust, we know that it is no shame to kneel.

The Holy Fire conference is an ecumenical, multi-tradition discussion with a lot of wonderful presenters, coming from many different world views. We know that spirituality is a very personal and tender issue for many people, and we encourage tolerance, patience, and appreciation for all views. Please come and bring open minds and open hearts!

Presented by Raven Kaldera

Raven Kaldera is a queer FTM transgendered intersexual educator who has been teaching internationally for the last 22 years on Pagan religion, sex/spirituality, BDSM spirituality, transgender spirituality, astrology, disability, and of course the spiritual discipline of power dynamic relationships.