Holy Fire Conference Policies

As the Holy Fire Conference takes place in a virtual space, the following policies apply for the duration of the conference to ensure everyone’s comfort and safety. Participants who breach any of these policies may be muted or removed from the event without a refund.

If you have any concerns during the class contact the room monitor who will introduce themselves at the beginning of the class.


  • CONSENT IS MANDATORY: Do not record, screenshot, or capture any of our presenters, participants or staff during this event. Anyone suspected of violating this rule will be removed from the class and banned from the rest of the conference. No exceptions. The safety of our presenters, staff, and attendees is our first priority.
  • Please be kind and tolerant. We will not allow any discrimation in our space based on gender, race, sexuality, ability, or gender expression. This is a racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia-free zone.
  • In addition, you will hear numerous spiritual and religious beliefs enumerated during this conference. Please do not start arguments based on differing spiritual beliefs. Respect and appreciate everyone’s views. If you don’t see the universe the way they do, just move on. We understand that these can be tender places for many people, but try to refrain from being reactive. This is an ecumenical conference and we are honoring many differing views.
  • Threatening and abusive behavior will not be tolerated. Use courtesy at all times: in all written or verbal comments – respect for beliefs, perspectives, dynamics, sexual orientations, gender expressions, races, kinks, family structure, etc. In addition, community politics and personal differences are to be left at the door
  • Attendees must be 18 years or older. As you will probably be attending this conference from home, we ask that children not be present during the event.
  • Attendees must be pre-registered to participate; only registered attendees can log on and attend.
  • Registration is valid only for the registered individual; a single registration cannot be used for more than the intended participant. No sharing of Zoom-joining links, joining instructions, registration etc. with others.
  • No online nudity, solo, or partnered sex acts. No illegal activities. (Illegality is relevant to your own province, state, or country.)
  • We appreciate everyone has something to contribute during classes, but please be considerate of how much time you take to share and stay on topic; this ensures everyone can enjoy and learn from the presenters.
  • All attendees will enter the room muted. Please keep your microphone on mute unless the moderator or presenter asks you to unmute. During the actual class, mute your microphone to minimize distractions and background noise. Note: this is especially important when there are two computers in the same room accessing the same class. If the presenter requests it, please shut down your video as well as a courtesy to those with limited bandwidth.
  • Please be on time. Mods will allow attendees into the room during the first 10 minutes of the workshop. After that, the room will be locked and no one else will be admitted. We recommend that if you need to step away that you turn off the camera instead of leaving the room.
  • Respect the presenter and room monitor’s instructions and/or directions.