Raven Kaldera

Conference Organizer

(You can blame it all on me)

Raven Kaldera is a queer FTM transgendered intersexual educator who has been teaching internationally for the last 22 years on Pagan religion, sex/spirituality, BDSM spirituality, transgender spirituality, astrology, disability, and of course the spiritual discipline of power dynamic relationships.

He believes that enough education, pointed in the right directions and expressed in the right ways, can change the world. This conference has been his dream for many years – a space that focuses entirely on the intersection of power exchange and spiritual discipline.

Raven is a Neo-Pagan Northern Tradition shaman who sees sacredness in every part of life, including relationships. He has been one of the major teachers on M/s spirituality in the last few years, as well as teaching on general M/s and D/s topics with his slaveboy Joshua. They are the 2014 Northeast Master/slave titleholders, and during their title year they presented 63 classes for 48 groups in 19 U.S. states and 3 countries, and logged over 42,000 miles.

He is the author/editor of 42 books, including Dark Moon Rising: Pagan BDSM and the Ordeal Path, and Sacred Power, Holy Surrender: Living A Spiritual Power Dynamic. Raven is a minister in the Neo-Pagan First Kingdom Church of Asphodel, a folk musician, and a staunch ecologist and organic farmer. He lives with his big poly family on a homestead in Massachusetts, and is an activist for everything he believes in. ’Tis an ill wind that blows no minds.

What Raven is doing with his life.
If you want to give a donation for Raven’s work, his donation button is on this page.

If you’d like to support Raven
in this work on a regular basis.